Tag Archives: Sex

Back in the Saddle

So I have been taking some time to reinvent my work, and I have to say I kind of like where it has gone.

I am now posting some of my short work on Literotica, mostly to get my name out there and for people to see what I have. But my larger works are still on SmashWords.

I want people to find me, but I also want to make some money, you see? So I am trying to be like your friendly neighborhood crack dealer, but for erotica.

So, check out my work at the following locales:

SmashWords (soon to be Draft2Digital): CarmineB

Literotica: CarmineBlancheJr

Writing erotica


When I first picked up my proverbial pen and began writing in this genre, I was nervous.  There are a great many stereotypes that I had in my minds eye about it that I was worried about as took my first steps.

See… when I started, I thought that this would be a community of seedy, dirty minded people that were all of questionable background that were not really good at anything else.

To my surprise, I have found that this is a community of friendly, helpful people that are a genuine pleasure to talk to and associate with.  Some of them are not just skilled at the craft of erotica, but at other genres as well and just accept it as another area to write in.  On top of all this… they just happen to have the added benefit of a dirty mind.

I have met people that write Futa, LBTG, you name it, and I really enjoy my association and interaction with them.  They, as you might otherwise LOGICALLY surmise, are just as ordinary as everyone else you might meet.  Some of them I have met on the sites I visit and others I have met in person.

I have, through my experiences, learned that if you are walking do a street and bump into any one of them, you would have not a clue that within the mind of that person, lies a vast network of steamy, sultry, erotic horniness that is waiting to spill it’s seed onto the page for you and I to read.

So now, here I am.  Slowly working my way into this growing group of people, of all ages, of all sexes, of all lifestyles.  And I feel… comfortable.

Thank you to all of you that helped this first year become a fun experience.  Looking forward to the many to follow.


Photo Credit: NYC Porn Film Festival

Miley Cyrus…

OK… So I will admit it.

Miley Cyrus is certainly not a woman I would kick out of bed.   She is in a long list of women that I would not mind hopping in the sack with, but not necessarily like to wake up with.

Yes, I guess that makes me a “MAN”, as one of my bar friends tells me when I talk with her.  We talk about things like this often.  What kind of man she likes, what kind of women I like.  We banter each other about things like this all the time and I always have to reminder her that my interest in women is, for the sake of this article, professional reasons, as I like to write about them and my experiences with them.

My friend, I will call her Christy for now, but she might remind you more of a prettier Rachel Rae, who likes to smoke cigars and drink scotch, and I both agree that Miley is a looker.  Great body, looks like she would be a tiger in bed and might give you a ride that you would remember for some time.  But we both agree, as well, that along with that body would probably come the baggage of a grade-A prima donna.  But Christy, whom has never ADMITTED to being interested in women, and will probably hit me in the head when she reads this, agrees that a night rollicking in a hotel room in the heated, passionate, filthy exchange of bodily fluids with Miley, might be fun.

As long as she and her baggage were gone the next morning.


Sex and the period… Just a thought.

This is not a full post, I am just thinking aloud with this one.

I would like to see how many men out there (or women, for the lesbian readers I might have) have an issue with menstrual sex.

I have no problem with it as long as SHE is ok with it.  I mean there are certain acts I will not perform, mainly the dining experience, but most of the rest I have no issue with.

I have met some women that are seriously against it, and others that seem to be more aroused and active when they are on their period.

So just a thought and a request for comments from anyone out there that might have input.