
  • CarmineB wrote a new post 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    Back in the SaddleSo I have been taking some time to reinvent my work, and I have to say I kind of like where it has gone. I am now posting some of my short work […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 4 years, 5 months ago

    I’m not a politically savvy person, so maybe I am missing something that is right in front of me.

    I like listening to my share of talk shows. I have been known to tune into Glenn Beck or Ed Shultz from time to […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 4 years, 5 months ago

    This has been a crazy, dreadful and painful last three years.I am sorry that I have been away, but there are things that were out of my control… I am back and I will start, slowly, working my way back into […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 7 years, 8 months ago

    When you head out with your love or the love for that night, where are the places that you like to go?

    Do you go to the usual dives that all the others go?

    Do you like to find someplace off the grid, that is […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 7 years, 10 months ago


    What do you consider to be taboo?

    When you think about this question, let’s take religion out of the equation all together.  We all know that just about anything that is truly enjoyable in life is taboo f […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago

    Time seems to be going fast.

    I was thinking about this blog the other day and thought, “Well, it has only been up for about a year…”   Then I looked at it and realized that I have been nursing it along for al […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 7 years, 11 months ago


    I am sorry people.   I have been remiss in my upkeep of this site and have, I assume, left you all in suspense as you try to figure out what has happened to me.

    Well… I would like to tell you that I wa […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 8 years, 4 months ago


    When I first picked up my proverbial pen and began writing in this genre, I was nervous.  There are a great many stereotypes that I had in my minds eye about it that I was worried about as took my first s […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 8 years, 6 months ago

    Hello all… I am sorry for the absence of late…

    2015 has been a great year.

    I overcame my fears of trying to throw one of my stories out there and did it.  You could say that I popped my publishing c […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 8 years, 12 months ago


    I had one of those sad realization today.

    As I was sitting and people watching, I watched a woman walk by.   She was not anything to shout about, but she was not unattractive either.  But her looks were no […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 9 years, 1 month ago


    Yes… I write smut.

    I take the English language and use it to tell tales of lust, debauchery, extra-marital, pre-marital and non-marital coitus.

    I fabricate stories about people satisfying their basic, […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 9 years, 4 months ago

    OK… So I will admit it.

    Miley Cyrus is certainly not a woman I would kick out of bed.   She is in a long list of women that I would not mind hopping in the sack with, but not necessarily like to wake up […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 9 years, 6 months ago


    If you were to ask me, when I was much  younger, what I thought of tattoos on women, I would have told you I hate them.  At the time I was brought up and in the household I was raised in, tattoos were taboo […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 9 years, 6 months ago


    At what point in photographic history did someone look at a woman and say, “No, Baby… stick your lips out further…  No… Further…   No, Like you are trying to suck up a piece of spaghetti.   Yeah… […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 9 years, 6 months ago


    When I venture into a venue and when I am looking for someone to hook up with, or even just sit down to strike up a conversation with,  there are certain things I look for in a woman.  Things that trigger not […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 9 years, 6 months ago


    HNY to all you readers and soon-to-be readers!

    Hope this new year brings you all you hope for.

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 9 years, 7 months ago

    This is not a full post, I am just thinking aloud with this one.

    I would like to see how many men out there (or women, for the lesbian readers I might have) have an issue with menstrual sex.

    I have no […]

  • CarmineB wrote a new post 9 years, 7 months ago


    Is it just me, or have men lost touch with the idea that women still like a well dressed man?

    So I am sitting in a nice lounge on Marion Street, enjoying a couple drinks when I see a group of guys walk […]

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